Makita BHP455
Noen som har hørt om denne, kjøpt den? Så den tilfeldigvis hos Tools forhandler her om dagen. Er dette etterfølger til BHP 451? Gidda ikke vente på selger for å spørre. Synes dog den virka litt enklere enn BHP451 som jeg anser som en grommaskin til Makita...
Mener du BHP 454?
Distriksansvarlig - ITW Construction Products AS
Lekehusbloggen min
260m2 bta trehus etter TEK07, Thermia Optimum G2 8kw i serie med 200ltr OZO Super. 180m energihull. Roth vannbåren varme.
Har 2 gir i motsetting til 451, var en del kluss med 3. giret på 451.
Maks dreiemoment på 80nm og ett slagtall i 2. gir på 25000 i minuttet.
Ett digert beist som tar takler omtrent alt av bor og skruer ;D
Distriksansvarlig - ITW Construction Products AS
Lekehusbloggen min
260m2 bta trehus etter TEK07, Thermia Optimum G2 8kw i serie med 200ltr OZO Super. 180m energihull. Roth vannbåren varme.
De er akkurat like tunge, men 454 virker noe større
Distriksansvarlig - ITW Construction Products AS
Her vant den en test i USA
Distriksansvarlig - ITW Construction Products AS
Based on this article, I went out yesterday and bought the Makita BHP454. There are two things that were not mentioned in this article, one of which I consider to be a MAJOR design flaw. In the screw driving position, with the clutch set to the max position(16) the clutches will slip and not allowyou to drive a hard to screw screw. Like going into old oak,etc. If you change the setting to the drill position, it will then not slip and allow you to screw it in. This being the case, what is the purpose of the clutches when they slip with such little effort. You should NOT have to change your settings just to drive a screw but maybe I am just spoiled with my Dewalt. With the Dewalt you can adjust the clutch from little to max torque and not have to change to drill setting to get the max. The other part that needs to be re-designed is the case. It comes in a case that was made for the combo kit. If you want to have any of the spare screws,etc that we all pick up from time to time and save them in the case they will go all over the inside of the case because there is no where that securely holds them(again I am spoiled by the Dewalt which has a spot in the case for just such storage. Last, but not least, in calling Makita today to see if my drill was not working correctly, they told me they are doing away with all their cases and going to bags. I have to assume(I know what that means) that their market research department is asleep and they really have no intention of trying to complete in the high end market. I bought and tried it, as I wanted something different than what I already had, but I'm now forced to go back to old faithful, Dewalt. BTW, I use my drill almost every day and it is my most important tool. ;D ;D
"Maybe in life it's impossible to give 100 per cent to your job. Okay, I'll accept 98 per cent" Rafa Benite
Skulle grini meg til å fått testet noen modeller selv i en sjappe. :-\
Du får finne frem Engelsk ordboken. Denne personen kjøpte denne drille på bakgrunn av denne testen og ble ikke fornøyd så enkelt.
"Maybe in life it's impossible to give 100 per cent to your job. Okay, I'll accept 98 per cent" Rafa Benite
Min erfaring er at det er langt viktigere å slippe lett på de små skruene osv. Når man kommer opp i visse dimensjoner er det sjelden det gjør noe om den går litt for langt inn osv da vi snakker om grove dimensjoner osv.