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How to Make AZS Block Refractory

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AZS (alumina-zirconia-silica) refractory blocks are widely used in high-temperature applications such as glassmaking, steel production, and other industries that require exceptional resistance to thermal shock and corrosion. Making AZS block refractory involves a precise combination of raw materials and a carefully controlled manufacturing process. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to make AZS block refractory, ensuring optimal quality and performance.

How to Make AZS Block Refractory - AZS High Temp Brick.jpg - Keruico

Step 1: Gather the Raw Materials

To make high quality azs block refractory, you will need the following raw materials:

Alumina (Al2O3): High-purity alumina serves as the main component of AZS refractory. It provides excellent heat resistance and mechanical strength.

Zirconia (ZrO2): Zirconia contributes to the thermal shock resistance and corrosion resistance of AZS refractory. It should be in the form of zircon sand or zirconium oxide powder.

Silica (SiO2): Silica acts as a binder and filler in the refractory mixture. It should be in the form of high-purity silica sand or silica powder.

Additives: Various additives may be used to enhance the properties of the AZS refractory, such as stabilizers, fluxes, and bonding agents.

Ensure that all raw materials are of high quality and meet the required specifications for the production of AZS refractory blocks.

Step 2: Weighing and Mixing

Accurately weigh the required amounts of alumina, zirconia, and silica based on the desired composition of the AZS refractory. The proportions may vary depending on the specific application and performance requirements.

Place the weighed raw materials in a mixing vessel or ball mill. Mix them thoroughly to achieve a homogeneous blend. This step ensures a uniform distribution of the components, enhancing the overall quality of the final product.

Step 3: Shaping and Forming

After the mixing process, the refractory mixture needs to be shaped into blocks or bricks. There are several methods for shaping AZS refractory, including:

Pressing: The mixed refractory material can be compacted using a hydraulic press to form blocks of the desired shape and size.

Extrusion: In this method, the mixture is forced through a die to produce continuous lengths of refractory with a specific cross-sectional shape. These can be further cut into blocks.

Casting: The refractory mixture can be poured into molds and allowed to set. After solidification, the blocks can be demolded and dried.

Choose the shaping method that best suits your production capabilities and requirements.

Step 4: Drying and Curing

Once the blocks are shaped, they need to be dried to remove any remaining moisture. Place the blocks in a controlled drying environment, gradually increasing the temperature to avoid thermal shock and cracking. The drying process typically takes several days to ensure complete removal of moisture.

After drying, the blocks should undergo a curing process to achieve maximum strength and durability. Curing involves heating the blocks to a specific temperature and holding them at that temperature for a defined period. Follow the recommended curing schedule for AZS refractory, as specified by the manufacturer or based on your own testing and experience. You can also click on this link to learn about other refractory products: https://keruico.com/mullite-insulation-brick/

Step 5: Quality Control and Testing

Before using the AZS blocks, it is essential to conduct quality control checks and testing to ensure they meet the required standards. Perform visual inspections for any defects, measure the dimensions, and conduct tests for thermal conductivity, compressive strength, and resistance to thermal shock. These tests will determine the suitability and performance of the AZS refractory blocks in your specific application.


Making advanced refractories involves a meticulous process of weighing, mixing, shaping, drying, curing, and quality control. The proper combination of alumina, zirconia, silica, and additives, along with precise manufacturing techniques, ensures the production of high-quality AZS refractory blocks. By following this step-by-step guide and adhering to strict quality control measures, you can create AZS block refractory that exhibits excellent thermal shock resistance and corrosion resistance, meeting the demands of high-temperature industrial applications.