7,156    6    0  

Importere Dewalt til Norge fra USA.

 466     M&R     0
Dette fikk jeg i svar fra Grizzly industria på spørsmål om de sendte Dewalt til Norge.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your recent email.

We can only ship small items (under 70 lbs.) directly to Norway.  We cannot ship freight (items over 70 lbs.) outside the United States. 

If you are interested in purchasing freight items from us, we would like to suggest the possible use of a U.S. freight forwarder.  These companies are familiar with the exporting laws of many countries and can ease the process of bringing merchandise into your country.  We would ship an order to their address in the United States, and you would make arrangements with them to import your order into your country and deliver to your final destination.  A small list of freight forwarders can be found online at www.freightnet.com.  All duties, taxes and freight charges beyond the United States would be your responsibility.

Please note that there is a $200.00 USD minimum order requirement (excluding shipping) for all international orders.  We will be unable to process an order for you unless the merchandise total meets this minimum requirement.

We will be happy to process a quote for you, however we require the following information:

1. Your complete billing address in Norway, including phone number.

2. Complete U.S. shipping address of your freight forwarder where you would like us to deliver, including phone number. 

3. Complete list of items you wish to purchase, including Grizzly model numbers.

Upon placing an order with us, payment may be made by bank wire transfer for an additional $30.00 fee.  We also accept payment by Western Union. We cannot accept checks, bank drafts, cashiers' checks or money orders for international orders (including international orders shipped to a U.S. address to be forwarded to the final destination).

We can only accept a credit card as payment if we are able to obtain electronic verification of the cardholder's billing address through our credit card processor.  We use this electronic address verification instead of your signature, and cannot accept your credit card without it.  We have found that many banks outside the United States do not provide this service. 

Please be advised that the only documents we will provide for customs clearance is a commercial invoice and the information necessary for your freight forwarder to complete a Shipper Export Declaration (SED) if one is required.  Your forwarder must also provide the export declaration through AES.  We cannot provide a Certificate of Origin for the products on your order, but we can show the countries of origin of the items you purchase on the commercial invoice we provide, if requested. 

In addition, will not sign any power of attorney allowing your freight forwarder to file the SED on our behalf, as we will not be making any of the shipping arrangements with them, or any other shipping forms they may request.  Please review this information with your freight forwarder and verify that they will have no problems exporting your order.

It is your responsibility to find out what documents or certificates will be required to import your order into your country, and to verify whether or not Grizzly can provide them, before you place an order with us.

Also, please note that any special packaging requirements for export will be your responsibility, including any requirements for wood treatment.

As a final note, please be advised that all of our machines are designed to be operated on a 110V/220V 60 cycle electrical system.  Operating our machines on a different electrical supply will void our product warranty.

Could you please let us know how you heard about Grizzly Industrial, Inc when you respond to this email?

If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Thank you for your interest in our products.


Grizzly Industrial, Inc.

 4     0
Jeg har fått bestilt dewalt fra ToolKing.
Men, det var recondition item (usikker på om de får lov til å selge det og ikke "nytt"?).

Bestilte 18ga dykkertpistol DeWalt DC608K. Tok vel 6 dager før pakka var på døra fra bestilling.
 278     Sandefjord/Larvik     0
Hvordan får dere tak i nordisk lader? Altså 230V med nordisk støpsel.

 1,266     Aust-Agder     0

Kjøpte meg en norsk hos proffpartner til ~650kr. Evnt kan du bruke step down transformator.

Nei, altså.. drit i omformere. Det er bare en ekstra klump som ikke passer i kofferten til verktøyet. Pung ut for en skikkelig lader folkens. Dere har spart MYE på å kjøpe fra USA - invester i en norsk lader!
 10     0
en kamerat og jeg har impotert mye dewalt og bostich fra statene, intet problem. eneste er at du må enten kjøpe en omformer for lader eller norsk lader. Jeg anbefaler å kjøpe lader, ikke omformer. Mindre å holde styr på... En god dewalt lader får du for under 1000 kr, som går på alle batt, med hurtig lading, 15 min. Har selv MASSE oppladbart dewalt kjøpt fra statene, kjøt meg tre ladere som er rundt omkring, og dette funker topp.....