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Bajonettsager: Bosch GSA 1100 vs 1300 vs Makita JR30370CT

 146     0
Er det verdt minst 800 kroner mer for en bajonettsag med vibrasjonsdemping + 200w ekstra? Tenker da på Bosch GSA 1100 vs GSA 1300.

Og er det noen som har Makita JR3070CT som kan si om den er verdt pengene?
Siste redigering: Friday, November 25, 2016 11:52:43 PM av TerjeOlsen

 1,806     Trondheim     0
Jeg kjøpte JR3070CT for 2 år siden. Driver man med litt oppussing så er denne ett must. Det er ingen vits i å knipe igjen på pengeboka når det gjelder denne type verktøy. Jeg begynner å få litt verktøy...men denne er noe av det som er verdsatt høyest i nytte.
 1,806     Trondheim     0
Jeg valgte makita fordi jeg har en god relasjon til Forhandleren Tromas. Verkstedet er i værdensklasse på service lokalt osv.. Både Makita og Bosch er gode merker. MEN ikke feilfrie.
 146     0
MEN ikke feilfrie.

Jeg leser flere reviews om Makita 3070, bl.a. på amazon, hvor det klages over at den etterhvert sager i stykker "skoen" foran og at festemekanismen for sagbladene ikke er så bra og utsatt for slitasje. Er det noe du har opplevd? Noe spes du mener er feil eller kunne vært bedre?

Fra amazon reviews makita jr3070ct

Review: The one short coming is the front shoe and the shoe holder. The mechanism that holds the shoe became looser and sloppier, causing the blade to cut into the shoe as it would rotate. The entire shoe support mechanism eventually just fell apart, rendering the saw unusable.

Review: This is by far the best heavy duty reciprocating saw on the market. We use it to cut cars in the used auto parts business. There is only one week spot and that is the blade locking mechanism. 90% of the ones I've bought so far, and that's almost 30 of them break there. And they discontinued the parts that you would need to fix it. Usually lasts up to 3 months of really heavy duty service

Review: But these Makitas ... wow, what a nightmare. From the get-go we had one that threw blades out. Two of the others developed this tendency within the first month of use. After three months of use we really only have one Makita reciprocating saw that doesn't throw blades AND has kept its parts together.

On most of them the switch on the left side, in the black area, that changes them to 'orbital' cutting has broken (and those broke pretty early - either not being able to hold position, or just falling off).

The metal guard on the front to adjust cutting depth has broken off on one of our saws, and inspection showed the metal it was made of to be thick - but seemingly a cheap type of metal (perhaps cast steel?). The thinner guards on the Milwaukees are a real steel, and while we've bent them, we have never had a Milwaukee's guard break like the Makita's did.

We really like the speed control on these, when they work, but beyond that they have just been problematic.

Review: the nose piece broke after one day of use and had to be repaired. Very disappointing. Needed on job so no time to return.

Review: The problem I found with the tool -Makita JR3070CT-, was related with the front part (Blade holder and steel foot). The tool doesn't hold the blade well, it looses the blade easily. When I tried a 4" wood blade, it was rubbing and cutting the front steel foot, and the lock that secure that front foot is useless. the front foot simply skip the positions and ends in the inner one.
 1,806     Trondheim     0
Jeg har ikke opplevd det beskrevne problemet. Men Jeg har ødelagt skoen, nebbet osv... Men det er en tøff maskin som man kan bli litt overkant ivrig med.
 146     0
Jeg har ikke opplevd det beskrevne problemet. Men Jeg har ødelagt skoen, nebbet osv... Men det er en tøff maskin som man kan bli litt overkant ivrig med.

Og da har du fått tak i nye deler uten problemer? Hva tror du om vibrasjonsdemping vs uten? Er det verdt en tusenlapp mer?